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入学 Criteria

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Freshman students pictured in downtown Midland

Incoming Freshman


从高中进入学士/MBA课程需要满足以下条件之一.25 Cumulative GPA (CGPA) with 25 ACT/1210 SAT, or 3.50 Cumulative GPA (CGPA) with no test score.

Students walking together on campus

Transfer Students

转学生也可能有资格参加四年制学士/MBA课程,如果, upon attending college-level institutions, they maintained an overall 3.25日平均绩点, 总共获得23个学分或以下(不包括大学先修课程和双入学学分), upon graduating from high school, met one of the criteria indicated above.

Undergraduate student holding a decorated cap at graduation

研究生 Dual Enrollment


竞技宝app下载 senior standing, non-Bachelor/MBA track traditional students with a 3.25日平均绩点 or higher are eligible to enroll. 作为本科学位要求的一部分,研究生课程的成绩为“B”或更高,将被视为MBA学分, MSBA, MSF and MSOL

Conditions of Acceptance & Enrollment

符合条件的学生应参阅学士/MBA录取条件和入学表格以了解完整的细节. Following are a few details:

学生将需要完成至少120个学分,包括秋季和春季学期最多19个学分的“超载”, at no additional cost, 并且/或者学生可以自费完成压缩课程和暑期课程.

四年制学士/MBA课程只适用于位于米德兰的12个月加速MBA课程, Michigan campus.


A student will need to maintain a minimum 3.25 CGPA each semester to remain in the four-year Bachelor/MBA track. If a student falls below a 3.25 CGPA,学生将在秋季和/或春季支付任何超过17学分的课程. Once a student returns to a 3.CGPA在25或以上,学生可以重新进入并继续免费超载. 学生可以在他们的学术生涯中离开并重新进入四年制学士/MBA课程. If a student falls below a 3.如果第二次达到25 CGPA,他们就不再有资格继续攻读四年的BBA /工商管理硕士课程.



Once graduated to the MBA portion of the four-year Bachelor/MBA track, 学生只有资格获得四年制学士/MBA课程录取时提供的机构资助. 学生将没有资格获得任何额外的德沃斯研究生院优秀奖学金或其他指定给本科生使用的NU机构援助.

竞技宝app下载大学的优秀奖学金最多可以连续申请四年,只要学生仍然是全日制学生,并且保持要求的GPA即可续签. 如果学生选择退出四年制学士/MBA课程或改变他们的学习计划, the merit scholarship may be adjusted in total and/or distribution amount.



  • Minimum GPA requirements for scholarship renewal must be maintained.
  • 在本科教育期间获得的所有其他竞技宝app下载奖学金和助学金都没有资格用于MBA.
  • 如果你没有完成四年制学士/MBA课程,那么本科优秀奖学金不能申请MBA课程.
  • 德沃斯研究生院奖学金适用于未完成四年制学士/MBA课程的学生.
  • Business Club Scholarships and Private Donor Scholarships are also available.
Student holding award for Honors Convocation

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